The newest plant protaction. Electromagnetic resonator ERone


The newest plant protaction. Electromagnetic resonator ERone.

ERone belongs to the active means of plant protection and is considered to be a device for plant protection from all kinds of pests with the help of electromagnetic waves received due to initiated phenomenon of basic resonance.  

The construction ERone provides for its using both without any filler (an active material) and with an active material which constructively is placed in the geometric centre (a small reservoir 10-12 mL) ERone and after completion of its assembly, before its installing on a plant, the reservoir is closed hermetically. In operation, ERone excludes whatsoever direct contact of the active material with water, air, soil, the environment as a whole. During the whole period of efficient operation ERone, the active material does not evaporate, nor does it change its original qualitative or quantitative composition or consistency.

Being based on the results of the three-years successful testing of our Product, in October 2016 our company submitted an application for registration of the invention and in April 2017 we got a Patent. The electromagnetic resonator ERone itself is produced entirely in Estonia and so far manually. All the elements we collect the electromagnetic resonator ERone from are absolutely safe, harmless and, of course, certified on the territory of the EU.

During these three years, we have successfully tested our products in the amount of 137 pieces, in personal orchards and vegetable gardens of our good friends in different countries and in different climatic conditions – in Portugal, Spain, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. In all cases of installment of the electromagnetic resonator on the trees, bushes and shrubs, we succeeded (in about 90-95% of cases) in not only fully protecting them from different pests and garden plant diseases, but also in harmonizing growth of the plants which, in its turn, helped to increase yields as well as to extend the duration of anthesis of ornamental plants. Upon testing, we also used active substances of the three types: insecticides – poisonous chemical substances used for eradication of different pests, fungicides – poisonous chemical substances used for prevention of different garden plant diseases (scab, moniliasis, coccomicosis, curly top, leaf spot) and heteroauxin – a chemically active substance used as a stimulant of root formation and harmonization of plant growing. At the moment of their using, all the chemically active substances had a shelf life from 5 to 7 years and were certified on the territory of the EU.

By now we have certified our electromagnetic resonator ERone for its selling on the territory of the EU with the right to affix the logo CE – certificate on the Product. We have also received the EAN barcode and our enterprise has been entered in the register of producers of the EU member states. Besides that, we have already coordinated the producer certificate with the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It should be noted that our company is a member of the  Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

1. In this test group of plants (citrus lemon trees), electromagnetic resonators with an active substance were used with an insecticide (toxic chemicals used to destroy various insect pests). As a result of the experiment carried out on these plants for three years, we did not detect any damage to the tested plants by insect pests, which traditionally harm this type of plants during the spring / summer period. Active budding, improvement in the ovary and an increase in the size of the buds themselves, their rapid flowering, in the spring period, accelerated and abundant fruiting, as well as harmonizing the growth of plants year-round was noted.

2. In this test group of plants (fruit plum trees, apple trees), electromagnetic resonators with active substance fungicide (a group of pesticides, toxic chemicals used to prevent various garden diseases) were used. As a result of the experiment on these plants for three years, we did not detect any damage to the tested plants by garden diseases, which are traditionally harmful to this plant species during the spring / summer period. Active budding, improvement in the ovary and an increase in the size of the buds themselves, their rapid flowering, in the spring period, accelerated and abundant fruiting, as well as harmonizing the growth of plants year-round was noted. As an additional protection of the test group of plants, during the spring period of activation of various garden pests of pests, an electromagnetic resonator with an active substance was added to a healthy plant with an insecticide. The defeat of plants by garden pests was also noted.

3. In this test group of plants (a small ornamental tree / shrub, a liana with spines – bougainvillea, the native land in Brazil the plant blooms 9 months a year, in Spain, France – about 7 months, this plant is not decorative flowers themselves, but bracts, they have different forms, large, bright, from dark lilac to white), electromagnetic resonators with active substance heteroauxin (β-indolylacetic acid, a substance of the auxin group, phytohormone, plant growth stimulator) were used. As a result of the experiment carried out on these plants for three years, we did not detect any damage to the tested plants by garden diseases and insect pests, which traditionally harm this type of plants during the spring / summer period. On the contrary, active budding, improvement in the ovary and an increase in the size of the buds themselves, their rapid flowering, in the spring period, as well as the harmonization of plant growth and the extension of the flowering period of plants were observed all the year round. As an additional protection of the test group of plants, during the spring period of activation of various garden pests of pests, an electromagnetic resonator with an active substance was added to a healthy plant with an insecticide. The defeat of plants by garden pests was also noted.

ICO for the production of ERone

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